Friday, September 29, 2006

The Jealous Questions

Now is I being punk'd or is it that my luck's that bad? Why is it that the most 'suay' of things always seems to be happening to me? Can anyone answer my questions?

1) Why is it that the policeman always seems to be screening me when I am doing the most innocent of things?

2) And why is it that I always see umpteen of taxis in the other lane but not mine when I need one badly? You mean to say the tar is always blacker on the other side of the lane?

3) Why is it that I see loads of bus service number 851 passing me by when I am waiting for bus service number 66 and I see loads of bus service number 66 when I am waiting for bus service number 851?

4) Why is it that the most important of parties have to be held when:
I am short of cash,
Running out of clothes to wear,
Misplacing my shoes,
Breaking my one and only shaving blade,
Having a bad hair day and so on?

5) Why is it that my 'bigger lips than Jay-Z' neighbour seems to have the hottest of girlfriends when the closest thing I have to a hot girl is the aunty who sells 'ondeh ondeh' in tekka?

6) Why is it that people come to me pointing to their wrist indicating that they wanna know the time? I speak and understand english. So quit doing that. Do I point to my crotch when I ask you where the toilet is?

7) Why is it that my leg has to land in the drain or I have to slip on someone's vomit or something that looks brown with six legs has to scare the shit outta me just when that hot gal whose attention I was dying to grab decides to give me a sympathy point for my attempts?

8) And why is it that I have to be badly dressed on days that I see the hottest girls in singapore but well groomed and neatly dressed on days I see aunties with identity crisis?

9) Last but not least, why is it that you people keep asking me if I've cut my hair? I didn't. The barber did. Please rephrase your questions. KNNBPCB.

Kudos if you've got the acronyms right.

Praba - 7:36 PM 0 comment(s)

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Property Of Rough Rhymes

20 This Year.
Cursed to be here.
First to be clear.

You won't understand till we trade places.
I need my own breathing spaces.

See, my life ain't promised.
But it'll sure get better.
Hope you undastan my love letter.

I dropped 5 times but I'm still breathin'.
Livin' proof there's a god if you need a reason.

I think about it everyday.
I haf so much to say.
My main thing was to be major paid.
This game's sharper than a muthafuckin' razor blade.

I wanna be meaningful.
Not winnin' fools.
I followed fools.
Swallowed rules.
Now I'm starting to trip.
I'm losing my grip.

Many were impressed when they saw praba writin'.
Now wait for him to start fightin'
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